Project tracker is a tiny Python application that I wrote because at times I had few contract/freelance jobs and I needed an easy way to track times spent on each of them.
Below are links to some desktop applications that I wrote as a computer programmer within my work related to bios and the creation of complexity (which is related to chaos) at Chicago Center for Creative Development. In my resume you can also read about some of the web development projects that I worked on.
I want to thank my friend Craig for introducing me to Python. He also tried to inspire me to learn LISP, but I don't think I am ready for it yet.
Bios Analyzer is a GUI application for analysis of hundreds of files with one button click, plots individual and group results and saves them to a file. Current tests include methods for detecting creative features in time series. I will add new tests upon request.
For over 3 months, I invested much of my free time into this application, because I realized (by editing Wikipedia article about bios) that not many people are doing research in this very promising theory of creativity, that is being explored at CCCD. I thought that by providing a free and user friendly tool for analyzing data, more people will be interested in exploring this field.
Before I knew Python, I worked in Java, and before that in VB.NET, VBA, Mathematica, and some other languages.
Interactive Schrodinger wave equation simulation is a Java applet/application simulation of the time dependent one dimensional wave equation.
This application was developed to explore patterns generated with the deterministic wave equation. We were wondering if the seeds for creativity evident everywhere around us could be found at the atomic level. Results of this research are published in scientific journals:
'Quantum bios and biotic complexity in the distribution of galaxies.'
'Biotic patterns in the Schrödinger's equation and the early universe.'
Predator Prey Multi Agent Simulation Model done using REPAST simulates a simple ecosystem with three species.
Multi agent simulations are becoming an increasingly popular tool in complex systems research and education. One of the main ideas behind these simulations is to find out what are the small changes in individual agents' behavior that can change the behavior of the whole system. We also wanted to explore a pattern generated by such a model, and how it depends on agents' behavior.