Try it out: ingredient based recipe search.
This very simple application is the first code I wrote in Python. Contractors working on computers may find it useful.
It keeps track of time spent, work done, and money earned on any number of projects.
This way, if you are a contractor, you will have an easy way of keeping track of your hours.
Send a python programming feedback, or see a more complex GUI application written in Python - time series analysis software.
################################################# # this is how command line interface looks like # ################################################# >>> Application logs time spent on different projects specified by the user ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Enter: 0 for TranslateBot 2 for 4 for 6 for Organizer or any words to define a new project name: 4 You are working on the project Enter description of the work done; when finished type 'exit' to exit: I synchronized my local disk files with the web files, Changed java pages and added python program link exit If you want to start a new work press 'y', any other key for no. File 'log.txt' has been updated. You can import it in excel with tab delimited format. Log data can be grouped by projects by sorting in Excel by the first column. ######################################################## #this is the output in the log.txt file. #note that hourly rate is 0 as it is my private project# ######################################################## TranslateBot|0||0||0 4 Project: 4 Hourly rate: 0 4 Begin: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 11:57:28 +0000 4 I synchronized my local disk files with the web files, 0.50 4 Changed java pages and added python program link 0.44 4 Total time: 0.94 4 Money earned: 0.0 4 End :Sun, 23 Apr 2006 12:53:42 +0000 -------------------------------
Take a look at one of my hobby projects: < Recipe Finder >