A software and website development and optimization company in Chicago offers custom programming, database design, and consulting services. These commercial services serve to support the fulfillment of company's mission -- development of internet based educational software.
Projects in which this company's founder invested significant time. They mostly relate to web information retrieval, data analysis, and natural language processing.
- 01/15/2023: Major breakthrough, after a number of attempts over many years to solve this problem at scale! An extremely efficient algorithm for multi lingual in-text paraphrase citation detection. Applications are numerous and dataset being amassed has utility across many domains and projects. This is a huge leap forward towards the mission of this company.
- 12/20/2022: Major breakthrough! Novel streaming data structures enable efficient real time estimation of global multidimensional maxima from very limited local observations. Along with Semantic Flow idea, it is one of key components of a constrained index single server personal search engine being developed, meaning everybody will be able to have their own search engine and not depend on censorship by big guys.
Views In News is a vertical search engine for news, crawling tens of thousands of news sources several times each day and reducing the information overload to distinct perspectives. On a single page you can get a good overview of the topic.
SemanticJuice is a powerful configurable search engine with tons of features and is able to interact through API with apps of various kinds. It is also a very unique SEO tool.
E-Z Glot is a project where we analyzed 90+ languages and found over one million common words between them.
- All those moments will be lost in time, or not:
I worked on several startups, few of which are closely connected and exchange the data among themselves. Soon, all of them will be published above.
- 03/03/2009:
Are you looking for a local Yard Sale? (Crawler got blocked by CL and another top site, so soon will be fed by semanticjuice above)
- (...) Completion of
recipe finderdone, jan 2010 and smspolitics sites is postponed.
Cook food you have at home with help of recipe finder.
- 07/07/2007: - search from one page the most popular links from social bookmarking sites. (currently offline)
- 06/25/2007:
rel NoFollow -- a link 'value' that changed the Web.
- 05/10/2007:
To finance further educational software development, I became an SEO consultant.
Submit a Google Video that changed your opinion.
- 03/02/2007:
'404 Error' annoyance solved with Firefox extension that retrieves archived page.
- 02/19/2007:
On the Netflix Prize contest, 'sto da ne' with first submission scored better than the Cinematch system.
Discussion forum with a graph structure.
- 09/25/2006:
Free time series analysis software detects creative features in nonlinear time series.
- 01/01/2006: prototype.
- 07/31/2005:
Website active.
Inquire about programming, database driven web-development, seo consulting, and other related topics.